With the revolutionary and new Mobiblaster SuperFilter WhatsApp and Telegram filter software, you can now be in control with your mobile marketing campaign. It does not come any easier than this. This software has all the functions that let you filter out all Whatsapp and Telegram users from any files or rolling numbers accordingly. It can even filter for Whatsapp Business users!
The old way to discover WhatsApp and Telegram users is by manually typing in the telephone numbers into your mobile devices’ contact list. This means that you will have to type in every single number before they are identified. But what if you want to reach thousands of numbers?
We have the solution and it is very easy, convenient and totally secure.
Mass Filter Whatsapp & Telegram users
What if we tell you that you can now discover more than 50,000 WhatsApp or Telegram users within minutes? With our WhatsApp and Telegram SuperFilter program, you now can! All you need is to determine a few parameters and you are ready to go!
Top Control Mechanism
Our WhatsApp & Telegram SuperFilter Software is designed to give you the control and to customize your campaign in any form you like which will surely improve the effectiveness of your efforts. If you have a marketing campaign plan that involve reaching your mobile target users, this software gives you all the tools you need.
Highlights of the software
Our Mobiblaster SuperFilter is designed to be very user-friendly so that you can easily navigate across the functions. Among the highlights you can expect from this software includes:
- Filter numbers – Mobiblaster SuperFilter allows you to filter more than 500,000 numbers at one go.
- Last Seen – you can use the ‘Last Seen’ function to activate this status
- Harvesting, Auto-generate rolling numbers – one of the best functions of this software is that you can use any number to start. From there, the AutoContinue function will allow you to harvest thousands of Whatsapp user numbers.
- Upload any numbers in text file – One number per line. That’s all.
- Filter Status in real time– The live status is shown in real-time to keep you updated. This is displayed in total percentage so you can gauge the current progress of your activity together with lapse time.
- Quick filter processing – Mobiblaster SuperFilter is one of the most efficient applications in the market. You can now generate and filter up to 100,000 numbers within 5 minutes.
What do you need?
To enjoy the functions of Mobiblaster SuperFilter, you will need the following:
- Hardware – A standard Windows PC (web enabled) software will be required.
- Software license – you will be required to purchase one license for every computer you intend to install this software.
- Latest Google Chrome installed
- Your own whatsapp which will be using web.whatsapp.com(no blockage)
No Channel required! – why waste time and money on other filter software which require you to buy additional hash maker software? Hash channels gets blocked every few weeks. Don’t waste time with those filter.
How does the Filter software works
- Get your phone ready to scan through web.whastapp.com. Open Mobiblaster Super Filter and click Open channel and it will open a new chrome window to scan for QR code. Scan with your phone and you can start using Super Filter!
- First step is to browse for the numbers file which you would like to filter. Click on Select File to upload this file to the filter software. You can have two columns, numbers and name
- At the bottom left, you will see the total of numbers detected from your file(before filter)
- During processing, on the middle pane, right above the left side of progress bar, you will see Exists numbers. These are the available users being found
- Total Non-exists users will be at the right side of the progress bar.
For those that ‘Exists’, they are registered with WhatsApp. This means that you can actually connect with those numbers. Meanwhile, the ‘Non-Exists’ numbers are those that are the opposite. You can try to re-generate them to see if they are Telegram numbers or use other means.
How does Auto-rolling number filter works?
To use the auto-generated numbers filter, you only need to start with only 4 parameters which are:
- Country Code – For example 60 (for Malaysia)
- Starting Digits – For example 123456789
- Increment – instead of increment of 1, you can have any other number increment(eg. 5,6,10, etc)
- Quantity – Total numbers to generate for the current process
From there, you decide how many numbers you want to generate that starts from 123456789. Let’s just assume you want the next 5,000 numbers. Then, you are ready to get started.
- Your result will be in a text file comprising of all the Whatsapp users numbers which were discovered by our software
擅长WhatsApp全球精准数据采集,团队原生开发WhatsApp快筛(WhatsApp filter)
您可以过滤掉 WhatsApp 头像。您可以过滤在 WhatsApp 上注册的号码和头像。一般来说,带有头像的 WhatsApp 号码是活跃的或在过去几天内登录过的。
可以获取 WhatsApp 关于内容
您可以获取 WhatsApp 关于内容并获取 WhatsApp 关于语言。根据 WhatsApp 关于内容和语言判断号码用户所在的具体国家。
用户可以通过扫描代码登录 WhatsApp,并批量导入频道或哈希帐户进行过滤。
其他 Whatsapp 用户过滤软件需要 Whatsapp 哈希频道号码并使用哈希频道号码权限进行筛选,价格极其昂贵。我们的 Whatsapp 过滤器软件只需要任何 WhatsApp 帐户扫描二维码即可立即开始过滤。
过滤后的号码可以导出为 .csv 文件格式。
该软件支持免费试用。下载软件并使用您的 Google 帐户安装后,请随意试用我们的 Whatsapp 用户过滤器。